API resources
The FAC API shares public data from submitted audit reports.
To interact with the API, you will need an API key from Data.gov. To get a Data.gov API key, fill out the Data.gov API key signup form. This is free and requires a valid email address. When you receive your API key, treat it like any other credential:
- Don't share your key with other users.
- Don't commit your key into a repository alongside your code.
- Don't store your key in a shared drive where other users have access.
- Don't share your key in helpdesk requests or any other communication.
Once you have your API key, you can begin exploring the API. Use the resources below to learn more about the API's capabilities.
For more information on the FAC API and the information it provides, see our terms and conditions.
Getting started
Learn how to begin using the FAC API and test your endpoints.
PostgREST server tools
The FAC uses PostgREST for our API server. Use their documentation for more help.
Data dictionary
Get an overview of how the FAC API data compares to the historical Census data.
Rollup fields
The FAC API combines some data fields that were standalone with the Census Bureau. This guide outlines these fields and shows how to use the FAC API to get the same data.
Data differences
Data submitted to the old Census FAC had different field names compared to the GSA FAC. This list outlines the differences between the historical data and new FAC data.
Results management
Tips for working within the API's request limit to retrieve more than 20,000 results at a time.
API versioning
Read our change management policy for updating the API.
Terms & conditions
Read the terms and conditions of using the FAC API.
Tribal data access
Use the API to access data and Single Audit Reports that Tribes and Tribal Organizations have chosen to suppress.
Still have questions? Visit our FAQ page